A La ModeTwo – Burgundy. Design & Write Up
A La ModeTwo BURGUNDY. Design & Write Up.
With the Design & Write Up purchase, you are selecting this template and paying for development of your content within the template. Once payment is processed you will fill out a Resume Content Questionnaire. 72 hours after form is received you will receive your resume in Microsoft Word & PDF versions together with any free unique fonts used. (*Notes: To keep your resume identical to the template, you must keep the preset margins. Amount of content you add after final version, may skew the look of your resume. When printing, remember to set your printer to “8.5×11 Borderless”).
A La ModeTwo is also available in Grey and Lavender in both Template Only, and Design & Write Up.
Cost: $89.00
This is A La ModeTwo BURGUNDY. Design & Write Up.
A La ModeTwo is the second option set in our creative template design series. It is best for those who need or prefer a non-traditional template but with allowance for some traditional elements. It comes in three colors: Burgundy, Grey, Lavender. Choose this template if you are seeking a position at an organization that attracts out-of-the-box thinkers and doers, and encourages a decidedly more visionary, relaxed and or trendy culture. *This is the Design & Write Up option.
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