Tweak Me – Resume Edit
Tweak Me-Resume Edit.
You are paying for the editing of the content of your self developed resume. There will be no design element added to this service. Once payment is processed you will receive a link to send your resume for editing. Upon receipt of all necessary information, edited resume will be delivered in 48 hours. All edits are done in Microsoft Word with an option to discard or accept all changes, and another in PDF. Edited Resume is sent in Microsoft Word & PDF.
Cost: $49.00
Tweak Me – Resume Edit.
You’ve constructed your own resume, but it’s not getting you the call backs that you desire. You think it’s pretty good. Maybe it is. You feel there’s something missing from your resume, but you just don’t know what it is. You need variation regarding the focus of your resume. Perhaps all that’s needed is a different set of eyes.
Tweak Me-Resume Edit, is an edit only option for a client’s previously developed resume. Choose this option if you are confident in the design of your resume, but you keep overlooking mistakes in the development of your content. If you need a comprehensive edit of your content and suggestions for revision, this option is for you.
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